One of the coolest ways to make your personal news

One of the coolest ways to make your personal news show? You Tube videos!

Do you get bored with the morning and evening news shows? Feel like you don't really know much more about what's happening in the world than you did before you watched it? Here's a solution for the network news blahs that's super cool and guaranteed to be interesting, because you choose the news you want to see! Most people are familiar with You Tube videos, loading up music and looking at short films.

You may be surprised to learn that you can gather news items from an astonishing number of sources and perspectives. If you've got DSL, you can load up and watch your very own custom news program in less than half an hour! If you've got special subjects of interest, such as following the stock market, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, alternative fuels, or want to know all about those chemtrails, you'll find literally dozens of You Tube videos on each of these topics plus anything else you might be interested in learning more about on this incredibly diverse video website.

Here's how to compose your own custom morning or evening news. Start with the You Tube video site's search box. Just as you would with any search engine, type in two or three keywords which summarize your topic of interest. Let's say you want to know about the economy in Poland hey, who knows what you might find out? You type, Poland economy, hit the search button and you've got dozens of You Tube videos, presented in a playlist format, with a thumbnail photo and synopsis of the video contents. Choose those which you want to see and start loading them. The You Tube video program organizes your choices into your own playlist and loads them up sequentially.

Remember, you're not downloading the videos, you're simply storing them in your playlist queue on the server, so the process is really quick.

If you use a tabbed browser, such as Firefox, you can have several videos loading at once. Naturally, each will be competing for time on the server, but with a DSL connection, this isn't much of a concern. You can have a cup of Joe and take a shower while your news program is loading up. When you're ready, get another cup of coffee and sit down and watch the news!

You'll find that the more searches you perform, the more interesting it becomes. One thing leads to another when it comes to digging up news. You may learn that what's happening in the Polish economy is impacting European currency, or that you've discovered that chemtrails are performed by various country's military, all over the world. Searching out financial news leads you to a 'South Park' cartoon video that explains, quite humorously, the global bank crises. Now, you've got new subject matter to track down.

Before you go off to work, get the evening You Tube video news show started! Much more entertaining.

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