Keeping a workout log keeps you committed to your workout

Keeping a workout log keeps you committed to your workout routine as you record your progress

If you're trying to get in shape and lose a few pounds and inches, you'll find you attain the greatest degree of success by faithfully following a realistic workout routine. As you develop your plan for a workout routine, be sure that you have the time and the commitment to follow through and actually do it! It's better to start out slowly. It's realistic to assume you can set aside a half hour each day, but it's not reasonable to set a grueling two hour schedule for your workout every day.

It's easy to want to be the over-achiever. This approach sets you up for failing to meet your own expectations. Another pitfall: some of us tend to make only a half-hearted commitment, skipping a day here and there, just because you simply don't have the energy. Of course, sometimes there are perfectly legitimate reasons. Things happen. You have to work late or one of your kids is sick and needs your attention. This is why it's important to keep a workout log.

Make a list of each exercise or activity you want to include in your workout routine, as well as the amount of time you'll spend on each. If you're really in a hurry to get results, making a list can be revealing. That list can get quite long! Before you ever commit to a workout program, look your list over carefully. Pare it down, or split activities and exercise between alternating days, until it looks like something you can and will do.

Keeping a workout log can be as simple as a small notebook or as fancy as a spreadsheet you keep on your computer. In the simplest form, you might list each element of your workout and the time spent. If part of your objective is to lose pounds and inches, make a weekly entry where you record progress on those fronts as well. If you're a woman, you're probably well aware of how water weight gain, due to your menstrual cycle, can affect those pounds and inches every month. Be prepared for increases in weight and body measurements to reflect this factor. Your workout log, over a period of months, will certainly show a pattern.

By keeping a workout log, you gain several advantages. The workout log proves to be an aid in keeping you honest. If Johnny or Jane was down with the flu, make a note in your workout log. If you were just goofing off, record this as well.

For each designated workout schedule, always fill in your log after you complete your workout routine for that day. All that's required is a check mark next to each item.

Remember back in grade school, where your teacher awarded you gold foil stars on a book report or on your report card? Perhaps we never outgrow this need to have proof, in black and white. Be proud of your accomplishments and learn from patterns of behavior that interfere from your goals. Your workout log keeps you on track and lets you see how far you've come towards achieving your objectives, to getting and staying fit!
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