Love designer handbags? But, the price? How to buy used
Love designer handbags? But, the price? How to buy used designer handbags cheaply!Women love clothes and accessories. While one woman might be a shoe freak, another loves jewelry, still another just can't have too many designer handbags. However, the price tag on some of the authentic designer handbags can approach the cost of a reliable, good looking second-hand car. The price of a Gucci handbag is well over the thousand dollar mark. For us ordinary women, whose budget laughs at such a desire, does this mean you can't have such objects of your wardrobe desires? As with most things in life, there's always an outside-the-box solution. In this case, we're talking used designer handbags.
Each year, handbags made by Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Hermes and Yves Saint Laurent come out with a new bag, with minor differences in detailing, or an ever so subtle change of color to lure those few who can afford the new handbag to buy this season's new offering. So what do they do with last season's handbag? They sell them! You can find quite gently used designer handbags at online shops, upscale consignment shops and on eBay, at prices that are about 10% of the original cost! Now that's a buy no woman can resist, at least if designer handbags are your thing.
Another tempting source of designer handbags are found in vintage shops, both online and off. Now wouldn't you love to own a vintage Chanel handbag?
There are also replicas of the famous designer handbags, which can sometimes fool even the experts. These replicas are not cheap knockoffs, but well constructed handbags available at a fraction of the price of the real McCoy.
If your budget won't sustain the cost of a used designer handbag, there's still hope! You can even rent a very slightly used designer handbag for a special, single-use occasion, such as an important interview or 'power lunch'. You don't have to be rich to sport a designer handbag these days.
Now if you've got your heart set on buying a used designer handbag, here's how to get your hands on such a prize.
1.Go online and visit the websites of the designers of your choice. Study the photos carefully to inspect the details. Some of these accessories are on sale on a seasonal basis. For example, at summer's end, this year's summer bags are sold at great discounts. However, probably what you're looking for is a handbag that can be used all year long. Think leather. Now that you've perused the various designers offerings, make up your mind as to which you like best.
2.Now it's time to go do some serious shopping! Go to sites like eBay, as well as other auction websites. There's an advantage to shopping eBay, as sellers are held to strict ethical practices, designed for your protection and satisfaction with your purchases. The best time to shop for a used designer handbag is as soon as the designers introduce their new lines. This is when your choices are most plentiful and prices are most negotiable. Put in your bid.
3.If you fail to find the used designer handbag of your dreams this way, it's off to your local, upscale consignment shops. It won't take long to run across a few of these used designer handbags. Use what you learned inspecting the designer handbag websites to scrutinize the bag to determine whether it's in close to pristine condition which most are. The good thing about buying direct from a shop is that you have the opportunity to haggle on the price. On the other hand, the price may be so good, you'll just plunk down the cash before another shopper spots that handbag.
Voila! You're all styled out!