How to get into the local dating scene and meet

How to get into the local dating scene and meet some real people you actually like!

So many of us have schedules that would gag a maggot, so to speak. Every minute of your day is spoken for, from dawn 'til dusk. Rare is the day in which everything that needs doing gets done. You bemoan the fact that the local dating scene is beyond your reach. However, you probably find a little time to chat online, hoping to 'meet' that perfect someone. Sure, you can form some nice relationships online, whether strictly platonic, or others which might seem romantic. In any case, online relationships seldom turn into a date with a real live person. If you've grown tired of online 'dating' in the chat rooms, here are some suggestions on how to get into the local dating scene and face to face meetings with real people you can touch!

You may think you've exhausted the possibilities when it comes to local dating. Been there, done that. The local population hasn't turned up anyone very interesting. What you need is a different strategy.

If you confine your dating prospects to people at school or work, you're cutting yourself short. Many people tend to spend so much time at their computer, chatting on the net, they run the risk of turning into true nerds. Not me!, you say.

Consider that you may need to re-investigate. Perhaps you've been looking in the wrong places, or haven't given the locals a fair chance. It's a fact that we're so glued to our computer screens, accustomed to 'meeting' people online, that cyberspace can sometimes result in what's known as 'computer addiction' and promote your hermit tendencies. Here are some suggestions on how to get out of this rut.

What do you enjoy doing? Whatever activities you enjoy, you'll find there are plenty of other like-minded people doing the same things. If you spend all of your free time reading, go to the library! Despite all the 'Quiet, please' signs, you can still peruse the library aisles and strike up a quiet conversation with someone you find attractive. Unlike in the chat rooms, you can also spot individuals wearing a wedding ring. Museum exhibits, art galleries, craft fairs, skating rinks, small theatre performances and even shopping malls are filled with (almost all) local people, approximately half of whom are prospects for local dating.

We all need the company of others, at least occasionally. On the other hand, if you're the hermit type, looking for a date is a self-defeating proposition. Force yourself to get out. If you're shy and reclusive, ease yourself into the local dating scene by going out to a few public places, at least once a week. Take a walk in the park. Enjoy your surroundings. Bring a book and sit and read on a park bench. Observe the people around and the passersby. If you normally wear a watch, take it off before you go out. This way, if you see some attractive, friendly looking person (not wearing a wedding band), you can call out, Excuse me, do you have the time? You might even prepare a conversation opener prior to your outing. A tee shirt with a logo or writing on it, an interesting piece of jewelry, an outrageous hat these are easy ice breakers.

If you're not yet convinced that local dating is possible, or are having trouble forcing yourself outside, here's an easy solution. Your local community is sure to have a chat room or message board filled with local members. If you subscribe to a local ISP service, one click on the home page and you're there. Talk on the net with some of these locals. You'll surely make contact with at least one friendly person who shares your interests. Suggest a meet at a coffee shop. If you love to bowl, ask if that fellow bowler is interested in a game of bowling.

Who knows if your new strategy to re-entering the local dating scene won't turn up someone really cool? You'll never know unless you try.

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