Five natural ways to lower high blood pressure while significantly
Five natural ways to lower high blood pressure while significantly improving your overall health!The daily pressures and stresses of the modern world have many of our doctors warning us of too-high blood pressure readings. We all know that HBP can lead to serious heart conditions, heart attacks and even death. While there are a number of pharmaceutical medications available, natural ways to lower high blood pressure are abundant and effective and do not carry the dire side effects so common with pharmaceuticals. Here we've got five natural, powerful ways to lower high blood pressure, each of which also contain properties that address a number of other common health conditions.
You might have heard that people in the Mediterranean regions have a very low incidence of heart disease. Mediterranean diets consist largely of fish, fresh produce, lean meats and substantial amounts of garlic. A number of clinical studies, conducted over the past decade, have shown that garlic is one of the best ways to lower high blood pressure, meeting or, more often, exceeding results of current pharmaceutical medicines, over a 3-4 month period of use. If you don't like garlic, or 'garlic breath', try using Kyolic(TM), a garlic product that comes in capsules. Kyolic(TM), through a patented process, eliminates the 'garlic breath' effect, while containing about seven times the nutrients of any other product on the market.
Garlic should be a mainstay in your arsenal of ways to lower high blood pressure. In addition to this benefit, garlic is effective in killing 27 different pathogens, including staph, as well as more than 70 types of fungi, including athlete's foot fungus and the infamous candida albicans, responsible for women's yeast infections. Garlic is effective against respiratory, ear and eye infections. It also provides relief in certain arthritic conditions. Including garlic as a regular part of your diet also protects against several cancers, including cancer of the colon, stomach, esophagus, intestines, bladder and breasts.
Most medical herbalists agree that Hawthorne berry is arguably the best general heart tonic. While addressing a wide range of heart conditions, including congestive heart failure, inflammation of the heart, irregular heartbeat and edema, it's also one of the best ways to lower high blood pressure. Hawthorne berry also clears plaque from artery walls and is effective in cases of atherosclerosis. It's also been shown to be effective in relieving insomnia and anxiety, common in heart patients.
In cases of moderate HBP, Siberian ginseng (Eleuthero) is one effective way to lower high blood pressure. This herb will bring down high cholesterol levels and is also a powerful antioxidant which makes it a potent anti cancer agent. Eleuthero reduces mild to moderately increased sugar levels in the blood as well. Note that this herb is not recommended if you have very high blood pressure.
The old fashioned blackstrap molasses is another of the natural ways to lower high blood pressure. This remedy is good for a number of heart conditions and circulatory system problems. Rich in mineral salts and containing most of the vitamin B complex, it helps prevent and even dissolve blood clots, prevents fat from sticking to the walls of your arteries and is a good remedy for varicose veins. It also strengthens the heart muscle and improves circulation. Just a teaspoon each day is all it takes! However, due to the high sugar content, diabetics should avoid using blackstrap molasses.
Along with these natural ways to lower high blood pressure, daily exercise, such as a 30 minute walk, as well as a good diet plan, such as a Mediterranean diet will have you feeling fit and enjoying a normal blood pressure reading.
Always check with your doctor before starting any of these natural remedies, to be sure there are no contraindications relevant to medications you're already taking, or other health concerns. To your good health!