Entertainment Careers Begin at Film Production Schools

Do you ever dream of working in the movie industry? I think it's safe to say that a lot of people have envisioned themselves at one point or other making it big in Hollywood, with all the attendant glamour, fame, and riches. Of course, almost all of these pipe dreams involve becoming an actor, director, or screenwriter, which isn't surprising since those are the most high-profile positions in show business. But smart producers always a hot commodity as well, so it's no wonder that enrollment is on the rise at film production schools.

At film production schools, students can learn all about what goes in to actually making a movie, from the initial story idea all the way through to coming away with a final cut that will be sent to theaters. The process includes too many different aspects to list here, but some of the biggies are hiring a staff, finding investors or other means of funding the project, and hammering out distribution details to ensure that the movie will be shown in major markets across the country. In short, this is not the kind of job you can get without experience, which is another reason that film production schools are so important.

The first step to attending film production school is to check out the basic entry requirements of the institution you want to attend. Courses are typically offered at both the graduate and undergraduate level, so you'll be able to enroll whether you're a high school senior, a college grad, or someone simply looking to change careers. Once you find a film production school that's to your liking, the next step would be to submit an application packet and wait for a decision from the admission's office -- just as you would if applying to a regular college or university.

The best film production schools are, not surprisingly, located in southern California, right in the heart of the industry. USC has a legendary program with more distinguished alumni than any other program, and UCLA is not that far behind. New York is also home to some top film production schools, so you might want to check out Columbia or NYU as well. The competition to gain entry into these institutions is fierce, however, so unless you're 100 percent sure that you'll be accepted, you better have a backup plan in mind.

If you want to be part of the next big Hollywood blockbuster, then film production school might be your ticket to Tinsel Town. Without prior experience, you'll at least need credentials to get your foot in the door, so this is as good a place to start as any. Send out those applications and start learning all about the movie industry today!
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