About Vegetable Gardening
Some may think that flower and vegetable gardening are somewhat the same. While the basics of watering and weeding are similar, they are vastly different in many ways. This was something that my husband learned the hard way the one time he tried to have a garden of vegetables near our home. We lived in the city, but we did have a yard. He thought this was the prefect spot to have a garden, but he didnt really know what he was doing. The whole thing ended up being quite humorous, actually.
What my husband didnt know about vegetable gardening is that these tend to attract a lot of animal attention. I cant say it was all a lack of thought on his part, as most dont tend to think of large packs of white tailed deer as being city dwellers. His vegetable garden was being invaded by some animal, so he put up a small fence thinking that would keep out rabbits and other small animals. When the veggies continued to disappear, he was stumped. He sat near the window one night to see what was going on. The deer appeared and the mystery was solved.
You may have to have the same type of protection when vegetable gardening if you have deer that frequent the area. Smaller animals may always get in, but smaller fences can help with some of this. What is puzzling about vegetable gardening is that some are left alone for the most part, and others dont stand a chance against the wildlife. You may want to find a good book on gardening vegetables before you start on your own for the first time so you have some tips handy when something happens. You may also find some tips online, or you can consult with your local garden center when buying your plants or seeds.
The difference in flower and vegetable gardening might also be in the type of attention they need. You have to pay more attention to spacing of the vegetable plants. Some need a lot of room to be productive, and that is not always a consideration when planting flowers. You also have to keep the weeds under strict control, and you have to pay close attention to growing seasons and frosting. Learning about when vegetables should be picked for ultimate taste is something that most learn with time, but a good gardening book can help with that as well.