Quiz Questions

I am one of those people who just can not get enough of quiz questions. I am always taking tests and quizzes on the Internet. It is pretty neat that a lot of my friends are in to the same thing. We send each other relationship quizzes, IQ tests, quiz bowl questions, and anything else we find. Some of these questions test intelligence, knowledge, emotional sophistication, or personality type. Others are just there for fun. Either way, it is a great way to pass the time when you are procrastinating on doing some of your work.

My favorite quiz questions are the ones I hear at the bar. There is a quizmaster there every Thursday evening to ask us all kinds of general knowledge questions on many different things. Some of them are related to sports, history, or some other common trivia question category. Others are pretty random, or related to local culture. We all get together, sit down at a table, and get rip roaring drink while answering quiz after quiz, question after question. It makes for quite an evening of entertainment.

One of the things that makes these quiz questions so much fun to answer is the environment. Even the people I know who do not like to take Internet surveys or online polls love to answer pub quiz questions. It gives you a way to show off your knowledge and test your mettle against a group of different people in public. It is a social activity, and a lightly competitive game. Best of all, it is something that you can do well when you are getting pretty drunk.

As a matter of fact, we play a few drinking games around the quiz questions. Every time someone answers a quiz question correctly, everyone else at the table has to take a drink. The first few times we went there, this did not amount to a lot of alcohol. As we have gotten better at the game, however, it has started to add up to some serious drinking. By the end of the night, everyone but the designated driver is usually pretty blitzed.

Of course, the most useful quiz questions are not the ones you answer in the pub, but the ones you answer on your own. Although most of the online quizzes that I have looked at are just for fun, a few of them have helped me to really understand myself a bit better. Personality tests and the like are worth your time because they will help you to know yourself.
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